The Best Realtor® Websites

Our template real estate web designs give you all the power and functionality you will need to create a strong digital presence -- all wrapped in attractive design layouts that rival the high-end custom sites the big budget movers and shakers shell out a bundle for!

With over 80% of home buyers using the Internet to find a home, you can not afford to be without a website of your own. Whether you are looking to drive sales, feature your listings, or just create a digital presence as a point of contact our template websites are the solution you have been looking for!

Edit Personal Info
edit bio, contact info and photos
Website Email Settings
choose where you want to receive contacts
Realtor® Designations
display your awards and credentials
Meta-Tag Administration
control how search engines find you
View/Add Links
choose from our library of area links, or add your own
Customize Homepage Content
control how your site looks, add new functionality
Featured Builders
display area builders you enjoy or endorse
Featured Subdivisions
display tours, photos and info for your favored communities
Customize Your Website
control your navigation menu, site graphics, create custom links, create reports, and add lender info
brag a little! show testimonials from previous clients
Create Custom Pages
feature a listing or development, or create custom content for any purpose easily
Dreamhome Program
send search results to clients automatically!
Link Exchange
Add link exchanges with others to your site
Resource Center Settings
choose which city/area info to display in your resource center page
Social Media Links
on social? link up to promote your pages!
Buyer Tips
choose from our pre-made buyer tips or create your own for display on your site
Seller Tips
choose from our pre-made seller tips or create your own for display on your site
Direct Home Link
designate a short URL for your listings to track your marketing dollars
Featured MLS Listing slideshow
create a slideshow of your featured listing with just a click
Listing Comments
add more detail to your listing remarks
Non-MLS Listings
create info and photos for non-mls listings
Open Houses
display up-coming open houses on your site
Write Blogs
create new content easily!
Virtual Tours
shoot your own photos. make your own tours!
Rental Listings
create info, display rates and documents, for rental listings
Produce Flyers
create simple flyers right from the toolbox (or contact us for custom flyer design!)
Order Tours
Idaho clients can order tours right from the toolbox
Your Listings
a list of your current active listings
Listing Documents
create documents for your listings
Commercial Listings
have commercial properties? Create custom pages to display info, status, photos and more
Your Selected Listings
display selected listings of your choice from MLS by number
Featured NON-MLS Slideshow
display a slideshow of images from your existing non-mls listings
Client Center
every point of contact on your site is stored here. Keep track of visitors saved listings, emails sent to you and more
Electronic Relocation Kit
send area info,links, and photos for prospective relocators
Email Clients
send your clients emails right from the toolbox
Contact Management
manage contacts, import them from your Outlook, and track message histories
Document Library
store important documents like client agreements and more so you can access and print them from any location in the world
track your website,listing, and TourRE virtual tour statistics. See who is visiting your site, how many listing views you've received and where they came from and more

Want to see our websites in action?
Browse through some of our clients' websites to see how they are using our technology to generate new business and leads! Or go to our design gallery to view more examples of our templates!

These days content is king!
Tour Real Estate provides a Toolbox which enables you to continually update and enhance your website with just a few clicks of a button. There's no need to know anything about programming. You have control over your website, and there's no limit on the amount of pages you have or can link to. We put the power in your hands!